How to stay busy in retirement


From the moment young men and women first walk into the office for their day as a working professional until the day they officially retire, the notion of planning for retirement is never far from their minds. But when the time to hang up the briefcase and donate all those business suits arrives, some retirees wonder what to do next. Some know exactly how they will spend their days when they no longer have to work, while others who decide to play it by ear may find themselves battling boredom.

Many retirees find themselves bored once they no longer have to focus on a career. Jobs keep men and women busy and provide a sense of purpose in their lives, so it’s understandable that some retirees feel unsatisfied once those jobs are no longer a part of their lives. But just because you no longer have an office to go to every day does not mean life cannot be as fulfilling or even more fulfilling than it was when you were still working. You just need to find something to avoid succumbing to retirement boredom.

Work part-time. Though it might seem odd to start working right after you retire, a part-time job can provide the type of structure you have grown accustomed to without all of the responsibility that comes with a full-time career. Part-time jobs can range from consultancy work that makes use of your professional experience to something entirely different, like landscape maintenance at a nearby golf course that gets you out of the house and enjoying the warmer seasons. Whichever you choose, make sure it’s something you find fun and interesting.

Embrace a new hobby. Working professionals often say they wish they had time to pursue a hobby. Now that you are retired, you have all the time in the world to do just that. Whether it’s perfecting your golf game, writing that novel or  learning to cook like a gourmet chef, retirement is a great time to do it.

Get in shape. One great way to conquer your boredom and improve your mood at the same time is to start exercising. Exercise is a natural mood enhancer. When the body exercises, it releases chemicals knowns as endorphins, which trigger positive feelings. In addition, regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress, boost self-esteem and improve sleep. Working out at a gym also is a great way to meet fellow retirees in your community, and the energy you have after exercising may give you the boost you need to pursue other hobbies.

Volunteer. If a part-time job is not up your alley, then consider volunteering in your community. Volunteers are always in demand, and working with a local charity can provide a sense of purpose and provide opportunities to meet like-minded fellow retirees. Those who love to travel can combine their passion for volunteering with their love of travel by signing up to work with an international relief organization that travels abroad to help the less fortunate.


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