Take precaution when traveling with your pet this holiday season


A pet’s love is unconditional, so it’s no surprise that pet owners want to keep their beloved animals by their side as much as possible. If you plan to travel with your pet by car this holiday season, brush up on some safety precautions to ensure the roadways are safe for everyone.

Driving while distracted is a significant safety concern. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety notes that taking your eyes off the road for two seconds doubles your chances of being involved in a crash.

Recent survey data from Kurgo, a dog travel supply and accessory supplier, found that 60 percent of respondents had driven with pets in the last month, and more than half admitted to being distracted as a result of their pet being in the car.

Although the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does not track how many accidents are attributed to pets, it’s clear that pets can be a distraction.

To ensure safety, drivers should never allow their pets to sit on their laps or ride in vehicles unless they are restrained. Doing so puts all passengers, pets and humans alike, in danger.

AAA says a 10-pound dog that’s not restrained can generate 500 pounds of force in a 50-mile per hour crash. To make trips safer, pet owners should heed the following guidelines:

Recognize that airbags can cause injury – airbags are designed to protect people, not pets. It’s always recommended that pets ride in the back seat or the storage area of a SUV in vehicles equipped with airbags.

Watch those windows – while dogs are known to hang their heads out of car windows, this practice can put dogs in danger. Fast-moving debris can injure the dog, and excessive airflow can damage animals’ respiratory system, warn veterinarians. Dogs also may attempt to jump out.

Invest in a restraint system – vehicle restraint systems keep pets safe. Small dogs may benefit from being inside crates that are secured inside the vehicle. Harnessing a pooch is another option, and many harnesses connect directly to seat belts. Dog gates and guards can be installed between the back seat and the storage bay area, which is great when traveling with multiple dogs.

Avoid truck beds – the American Humane Society says pets should never be transported in the bed of pickup trucks. Dogs should only ride in pickup trucks with extended cabs that allow their owners to secure them in the backseat.

Keeping passengers, including people and pets, safe in vehicles is the responsibility of drivers.


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