Whatcom County Council District 5 candidate Q&A: Ben Elenbaas and Jackie Dexter


The Northern Light asked Whatcom County Council District 5 candidates why they are running for the seat in the November 7 general election. The District 5 position is a four-year term that represents north Whatcom County, including Blaine, Birch Bay, Custer. The candidates provided written responses to the questions. 

Ben Elenbaas

Ben Elenbaas is finishing his first term on Whatcom County Council. Elenbaas is a farmer and works as operations foreman at BP Cherry Point. He earned his bachelor’s degree in natural sciences from Western Washington University. 

Q: If re-elected, what are your top three priorities for your first year and how will you accomplish those? 

Public safety, the drug/fentanyl epidemic and affordability are the primary issues facing Whatcom County and such are my top priorities. Everyone should feel safe. I believe this is a minimum expectation. As a council we secured 10 new sheriff deputies while other municipalities made cuts. I helped craft our jail ordinance. When approved, I look forward to implementing, not only a safe jail plan, but expanded mental health and treatment options over the next four years.

Q: Birch Bay residents have voiced that they feel unheard by Whatcom County. How do you plan to improve communication and prioritize the needs of Birch Bay?

I have been viewed as the lone representative in local government for the area. I often hear this is a major concern for people who reside in what would be the fourth largest city in the county if incorporated. Birch Bay faces the issues of a city without the structure and services a municipality can provide. Incorporation has pros and cons, however, I do believe it’s a conversation that must be had. Ultimately, if it’s what the voters want and they are willing to burden the cost, we should honor that choice.

Q: Whatcom County is set to update its comprehensive plan by June 2025. What changes would you like to see in the 2025 comprehensive plan update to plan for future growth?

I favor policies that acknowledge realities on the ground. For example, we plan for growth from projections from past trends. Unfortunately, a lot of stagnation has been created by our zero-growth approach to land use policy. If we don’t offer zoning to meet the needs of the community, we’ve created stagnation that then perpetuates itself, justified by the previously planned zero growth. 

We should consider the needs of a community and work forward instead of planning looking back. In the case of Birch Bay, we have planned for massive amounts of housing and haven’t done a good job with servicing said housing with infrastructure and services. We need to look at the reality of what we’ve created and take responsibility to look forward and providing what’s needed. 

Jackie Dexter

Jackie Dexter is an aquaculturist at Drayton Harbor Oyster Company and member of Whatcom County Marine Resource Committee and the Puget Sound Shellfish Growers Association. She earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from Western Washington University. 

Q: If elected, what are your top three priorities for your first year and how will you accomplish those?

My top three priorities are 1) to promote economic growth, especially in sustainable industries; 2) support working families with affordable housing, pre-K and affordable childcare programs, and expanding internet accessibility; 3) and supporting the Indigenous tribes of Whatcom County. Updating the 2025 Comprehensive Plan will be instrumental in addressing many key issues. Collaborating with all the various agencies, committees and stakeholders will be the key to success. I look forward to learning and collaborating with the Lummi Nation as we build bridges and develop relationships.  

Q: Birch Bay residents have voiced that they feel unheard by Whatcom County. How do you plan to improve communication and prioritize the needs of Birch Bay residents?

I am eager to better represent the unincorporated communities of District 5 that may feel forgotten. Birch Bay deserves a voice that will support its current needs and prepare for its future growth. Birch Bay has had many accomplishments in the last few years and I am excited about the future projects, like the pathway to connect the communities of Birch Bay and Blaine. I am working on bringing a newer, sustainable industry to Birch Bay, my own seaweed/shellfish farm, and I consider myself an invested stakeholder in the future of this community. I truly look forward to representing my friends and neighbors in Birch Bay.  

Q: Whatcom County is set to update its comprehensive plan by June 2025. What changes would you like to see in the 2025 comprehensive plan update to plan for future growth?

Updating the 2025 Comprehensive Plan will be an opportunity to take a closer look at how we can best balance urban growth, reduce sprawl and preserve our natural surroundings. I plan on digging in on housing, updating climate resiliency and preparedness planning, and balancing growth with protection of our vital resources. I hope that Whatcom County can increase density in urban growth areas, allow for more multi-family zones, offer more incentives to projects that support workforce housing, and address the storm water run-off impacting our fresh and saltwater resources from the developments.


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