Year in Review 2018: Whatcom County Council


By Barbara Brenner, councilmember

This past year has been difficult for many people due to lots of changes in water codes, land use and yes, in property assessments which may result in higher taxes, although the council did not increase any of our county government taxes for existing properties or structures. For some reason, the assessor recently decided our properties are worth more. I still am looking for an explanation of that.

However, at this time of year my goal is to find some good to share so this is it. I decided to offset politics by inventing extremely healthy, extremely delicious dark chocolate peanut butter cups, different flavored cream filled dark chocolate bonbons (pumpkin, lemon, lime, orange), my own version of Mounds and tonight I just invented my own sweet cherry cream dark chocolate bonbon.

It is amazing how that sweetens and helps me stop thinking about the problems of the world. If you are ever interested in trying any, just give me a call (360/384-2762) and we can arrange for you to come over for a taste.

Happy holidays!


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