Young at Heart


By Vicki McCullough

So now that the holidays are over, is anyone else ready for summer?

I wasn’t looking forward to what my mother used to call the “winter doldrums” when to my surprise I looked out the window yesterday and saw robins. You know those birds that are supposed to leave in the fall and return in the spring? Not just one or two but a whole bunch along with squirrels and rabbits and many other birds.

I commented on this to my friend who lives in Georgia and she said they had a flock of robins too. I wanted to have a conversation with her about latitude and longitude but I realized what both of us really need is to go back to the state we grew up in, Iowa, and experience a real winter! Not going to happen, but it was a very brief and very nice idea.

Someone suggested to me that the real hero of the holidays was elastic waist pants and I couldn’t agree more. Think of everything we have consumed in the last two months. I tried to be good and I tried not to bake anything more than just our favorites but we have wonderful friends and neighbors who are very good cooks and while I can still get my jeans to close I am back in the gym.

It is nice the Blaine Senior Center has such a good gym and everyone there is so friendly and helpful. They make you feel like you are all in the same boat.

Wishing you the joy of family, the gift of friends, and the best of everything for the New Year.


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