Your six-word Covid-19 memoirs


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Narkunas, Birch Bay


Crazy times love hope  inspiration kindness

Kris Lankhaar, Blaine


I’ve played a lot of golf!

Timothy Howe, Blaine


Bible up, pray up, trust up.

Delores Carter, Blaine


Covid disappear. You ruined my summer.

Debbie Drorbaugh, Blaine


Wearing a mask is not socialism.

Jeff Sterling, Birch Bay


Non-huggers: “Six feet, eh? No problem!”

Kelly Tuski, Blaine


Less is worth more, division included.

Jamie Gerity, Birch Bay


Border closed. Cannot work. Am broke.

Elizabeth Gaines, Blaine


“Connection problems” pretty much covers it.

Riley Sweeney, Lynden


Enjoy life, it’s short, choose happiness.

Allison Luna, Blaine

More time with 45 year bride

Mark Simard, Blaine


Neighborhood walks seeing teddybears in windows

Debbie Earl, no address


No family reunion this year. Heartbroken.

Jeanne Halsey, Blaine


Psychotherapist I am. Please send help.

Stephanie McDonald, Blaine


Worst time ever to declare bisexuality

Pasha Marlowe, North Yarmouth, Maine


A plague on all our houses.

Amy Pokras, Oak Park, Illinois


Following science. Showing empathy. Staying home.

Jael Komac, Ferndale


Gardening, crafting, reading, volunteering, appreciating life.

Jael Komac, Ferndale


My sweet pets make quarantine bearable.

Jennifer Plombon, Blaine


Broken hearted, steadfast in the chaos.

Melissa McCall, Blaine


Cooperation, outreach, vaccines, immunizing, defeats ... it!

Silva Gore, Blaine


Lost my job. And my mother-in-law.

Laura Sherret, St. Thomas, Ontario


Schools closed, so much to learn.

Connie Taylor, Blaine


I wheeze, infected with pandemic loneliness.

Jonathan Watson, Davao City, Philippines


So, what is the big deal?

Diana C. Horan, Blaine


Looking out my window ... nature survives.

Maggie Blackburn, Blaine


Retiring 2021. Moving to Blaine, Washington!

Nancy Braun, McMinnville, Oregon


I survived quarantine, with my ex.

Laura Swan, Saturna, B.C.


Had to deal with stupid people.

Steve Bawn, Blaine


Maybe tomorrow I will try again.

Veronica DeGolier, Blaine


Gardening is my prime pandemic project.

Teresa Verde, Blaine


Not worried, I’ve lived life already.

Rex Allison, Blaine


He died. Now it doesn’t matter.

Melissa Meyer, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico


Love my family a lot, but ...

Melanie May, Bellingham


Making the best of the situation

Lola Vankirk, no address


Isolated masked breathless fright long enduring

Kathy Ernst, no address


Discovery, awareness, contemplation, awakening, adaptation, life.

M Lynn Morenz, no address


My grandkids are missing school terribly!

Robin Gray, no address


Different ways of showing we care

Debbie Jo Johnson Earl, no address


Frequent phone visits, know friends better.

Donna Robbins, Bellingham


Shock, fear, depression, prayer, acceptance, hope

Marta Gutierrez Farlin, Blaine


I am lost. I am depressed.

Karin Redcrow, no address


Thank God he is in control

Kathy Workentin Richardson, no address


The pandemic is truly fake news

Rudy Ambrose, Blaine




Friends, family, day by day, embrace

Nancy Mayfield Boat, Birch Bay


Rather weird in every crazy way!

Lonnie Moore, no address


Less is worth more, division included.

Jamie Gerity, Bellingham


NEWS equals Now Entertainment Will Suffice.

Charlotte Benn Sessions, Blaine


Trying to keep head above water!

Angie Deming Czesak,no address


Lack of leadership makes me sad

Rex Broward, no address


How does mask wearing equal socialism?

Jeff Sterling, Birch Bay


Steamed up glasses, mumbled, jumbled words

Sandra Anderberg, no address


Thank God I live in America

Roy Anderberg, no address


Will you just shut up ... please!

Heidi Hutchins, Birch Bay


Bored? Not possible. Read and learn.

Enjoy nature, go outside, lucky you.

Too much complaining, not enough gratitude.

Diana C. Horan, Blaine


Covid fear. Masks appear. Stay safe

L. Shelton, Blaine


Another game of Wii bowling, dear?

Ross Anderson, Birch Bay


Stress renders me bootless and pant-less.

Maggie Maize. no address


Then thriving. Now disease. Reboot. Survive.

Lynne Shelton, Blaine


Spontaneous smile; silly sweet so savory.

Mary Jane Thompson, Blaine


Covid, spring came but no flowers.

Grandkids in Canada are still waiting.

Unmasked still shop in Lynden Safeway.

Jim Brunner, Blaine


Masks. My emotions you cannot see.

Covid-19. Hospital. You will die alone

Covid threatens. Paralyzing society. Covid looms.

You treat me like I’m diseased.

Schooling. Not optional. For all children

Can you imagine? Giving you hugs.

Susan Thorpe, Blaine


Relax and enjoy blessings are instore

Karen Bacon, Blaine


Ten years to start. Puzzle finished.

Ross Anderson, Birch Bay


Flying airplanes much safer than walking

Bette Fineman, Blaine


I pay taxes let me in.

Anonymous, Canada


Only the good people wear masks.

Boo! Are you scared, yet? BOO!

Be a good sheeple, mask up.

We are now a faceless society.

Just believe. Roll up your sleeve.

Shut up. Don’t ask embarrassing questions.

Out with logic, on with lunacy.

Mark Aamot, Custer


Loneliness and desperation in hope.

Jeanette Graham, Union


This pandemic is fake news

Rudy Ambrose, Blaine


Nothing changed. At all. Lame.

Jodi Hobbs, Birch Bay



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