8609 results total, viewing 7121 - 7140

Self-care tips for caregivers

More than 10,000 people in the United States turn 65 years old every day, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This growth in the aging population has led to an increased … more

Young at Heart: January 2017

By Lorrie Conyac Happy New Year! Since we’re way past the holidays, you’re probably starting to feel right back at your pre-holiday weight, right? All this cold … more

2016 Year in Review: Drayton Harbor Shellfish Protection District

By Kate Kimber and Erika Douglas The Whatcom County Council formed the Drayton Harbor Shellfish Protection District in 1995 in response to Washington State Department of Health’s … more

2016 Year in Review: Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Management District

By Kraig Olason This past year the Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resources Management District (BBWARM) has been busy with several projects, including a collaborative capital … more

2016 Year in Review: Birch Bay Water and Sewer District

By Dan Eisses In 2016, the district continued to work to secure future water supply and began the North County Interbasin project funded through the Washington State Department of … more

2016 Year in Review: Whatcom County Council

By Barbara Brenner I never forget how lucky I am, especially at this time of year, to be able to work for you. Although the county voters have spoken in their support of … more

2016 Year in Review: Pacific Arts Association, host of the Drayton Harbor Music Festival

By Kitty King Highlights for the students: This year was the time to discover their talents, challenge themselves and inspire everyone with the joy of their success. As one board … more

2016 Year in Review: Blaine Chamber of Commerce

By Carroll Solomon 2016 was the Blaine Chamber’s 125th year! Hooray! We ended this year with 88 members, including 12 new members. Our “Business of the Year” … more

2016 Year in Review: Birch Bay Chamber of Commerce

By Billy Brown Thousands of visitors and residents in the Birch Bay and Blaine communities “joined the fun” in Birch Bay in 2016. The Birch Bay Chamber … more

2016 Year in Review: Blaine-Birch Bay Park and Recreation District 2

By Heidi Holmes The opening of the new pavilion building in February was key to the district’s ability to offer more programming. This past year, the Blaine-Birch … more

2016 Year in Review: Blaine American Legion Post 86

By David Van Duisen The Sons of the American Legion Squadron 86 in Blaine have done some amazing things for your community this year. Every year we have a hamburger and hotdog stand … more

2016 Year in Review: Blaine Senior Center

By Kathy Sitker It takes a community to support the Blaine Senior Center. Let me take you on a tour through the accomplishments of that community during 2016. On … more

Whatcom County Sheriff reports: January 1-8

January 1, 4:13 a.m.: Motor vehicle accident non-blocking, non-injury, on Portal Way. January 1, 6:48 a.m.: Trouble with guest on Birch Bay-Lynden Road. January 1, … more

New Year’s Day tradition draws a crowd

A crowd donning swimsuits and costumes brought in the New Year by taking the Polar Bear Plunge in Birch Bay on January 1. The local tradition draws a large crowd each year and got its start in … more

2016 Year in Review, Part 1

May 2016: A crowd gathered to see President-elect Donald Trump at the Northwest Washington Fairgrounds in Lynden prior to the May 24 Republican primary. Photo by Steve Guntli. January  • State … more

2016 Year in Review: Blaine High School sports

May 2016: Blaine baseball players embrace after a 6–1 playoff win against Anacortes in the 2A Northwest District tournament on May 16. Photo by Janell Kortlever. By Oliver Lazenby In the second … more

Ring of Fire and Hope illuminates Birch Bay

Road flares surrounded a portion of Birch Bay during the annual Ring of Fire and Hope event on Saturday, December 31. Photo by Chuck Kinzer. more

A festive scene in downtown Blaine

A December holiday scene acts as the backdrop to the “Vigil” sculpture in downtown Blaine. Photo by Peter Mitchell. more

Frigid conditions freeze parts of Blaine’s waterfront

Freezing conditions in late December left portions of Semiahmoo Bay iced over. Photo by Peter Mitchell. more

How to treat yourself to the benefits of exercise in the new year

One of the best gifts you’ll ever receive isn’t a budget buster. It’s the gift of being active. Consider this: People who are active for about seven hours a week have a 40 … more
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