8585 results total, viewing 8381 - 8400
By Steve Guntli Whatcom County Courthouse is in need of repairs that will cost county taxpayers millions of dollars. At the Whatcom County Council …
1/28/15 06:23 PM
By Ian Ferguson The early 1930s were tough years for Blaine, as they were for most small towns in America. The Great Depression hit when the stock market crashed in …
1/28/15 06:22 PM
Steve Croft painted his 1952 Bryant blue and green. The staff of Good Samaritan Society-Stafholt, from l.: Katie Veening, Ginger Isenhour, Laurie Hart, Marsha Hawkins, Stacy Esposito and Brandi …
1/28/15 06:06 PM
Photos by Steve Guntli The Blaine Fine Arts Association presented the 18th annual Arts and Jazz event at Blaine High School on January 24. Members of the Blaine High School drama club built a display …
1/28/15 06:02 PM
By Steve Guntli While the sports teams have been getting more attention, one Blaine High School (BHS) club has quietly been making a name for itself on a national …
1/28/15 05:58 PM
February’s Featured Artist: Georgia Donovan Georgia Donovan’s art is designed to make you smile. She creates art for pleasure – both her own and …
1/28/15 05:56 PM
Blaine Primary School students decorated their own 12th man jerseys to support the Seattle Seahawks before the playoff game on January 18. The Hawks shut down the Green Bay Packers …
1/21/15 07:42 PM
By Steve Guntli Executives at SSA Marine have asked the Lummi Nation to participate in a “good faith consultation” regarding the Gateway Pacific Terminal (GPT) …
1/21/15 07:41 PM
By Steve Gutnli After several delays, Blaine’s first recreational marijuana store is set for its grand opening this weekend. Evergreen Cannabis …
1/21/15 07:40 PM
By Steve Guntli A Birch Bay couple has been charged for possessing nearly 1,000 illegal marijuana plants. Steve and Starlare Hovander were arrested …
1/21/15 07:39 PM
By Steve Guntli A new report indicates that the low gas prices Americans have been enjoying lately may last through 2015. The study, conducted by …
1/21/15 07:38 PM
By Steve Guntli The Blaine Tourism Advisory Committee (BTAC) has finalized this year’s grant funding for local tourist- and event-focused groups and organizations. Successful …
1/21/15 07:37 PM
By Ian Ferguson Local voters will soon decide the fate of a $45 million bond measure to rebuild Blaine High School and update the aging Blaine school district …
1/21/15 07:32 PM
By Steve Guntli Keeko and Maggie May bark excitedly at the sound of a knock on the door, jumping and scratching at the glass door until Eleni Naslund lets them …
1/21/15 07:29 PM
Steve and Starlare Hovander of Birch Bay were charged with possession of illegal marijuana plants on January 7. Whatcom County Sheriff's deputies seized more than 600 plants after being alerted to a …
1/18/15 03:06 PM
The Peace Arch was illuminated on December 24 to recognize the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. The treaty put an end to the War of 1812, and the Peace …
1/14/15 08:01 PM
By Steve Guntli The Blaine Arts and Jazz event is returning for its 18th year on Saturday, January 24. The event, sponsored by the Blaine Fine Arts Association …
1/14/15 08:00 PM
By Steve Guntli The Lummi Nation has asked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny SSA Marine’s permit for the Gateway Pacific Terminal (GPT) project at …
1/14/15 07:59 PM
By Steve Guntli Blaine City Council member Clark Cotner has resigned his position on the council, effective immediately. Cotner made the …
1/14/15 07:57 PM
By Cooper Inveen, WNPA Olympia News Bureau Two years after Washington voters legalized marijuana, lawmakers are wading through a thicket of proposed reforms that aim to stabilize an …
1/14/15 07:56 PM