Letters to The Editor: February 24-March 2, 2022


The Editor:

I guess the construction of the home being built by the Freeman family is newsworthy in its unique appearance. Still, I find that choice of design that will shade and hover over its heritage house neighboring properties disappointing. How often have I heard residents here voice that we don’t want Blaine to become what we see (literally and figuratively) across Semiahmoo Bay? Yet, this house will be just that.

The architect was quoted as saying his design reflected “the town’s history” and that he took “aspiration from historic buildings in downtown Blaine.” Is he simply making up his own truths? Do the Freemans actually see the same? Does anyone see as the architect – in any way?

While the project fits into the 2018 city design code plan (that maybe now should be rethought), it doesn’t fit into Blaine. Will this building inspire and set the standard for what Blaine “wants to be?” Again, I beg to differ and hope not. Blaine is actually a rare small town and about quality of life, not the quantity of life that resonates from this edifice. Blaine won’t become better off by imitating the appearance of buildings in Seattle or White Rock.

If we must look at such a building, I imagine it used instead as a venue for many small businesses. A chance for Blaine to have La Conner in one building that keeps the waterfront views open, and to be more than a place for dining and package pick up. OK, one more restaurant with a view from atop works well too. Yet to the owners go the choices. Enjoy your new building, but know too not all of us will as well.

Ray Leone



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