By Alyssa Evans
Cooking food is a longtime passion for Birch Bay resident Eric Truglas, who has over 3
0 years’ of experience working as a chef. Truglas is owner of the French bakery OPERA, located in downtown Bellingham at 1206 Cornwall Avenue.
Right next to OPERA is EAT, an American restaurant with a French flair that Truglas opened in 2016. Prior to that, Truglas worked as the culinary director at Semiahmoo Resort, Golf and Spa.
Truglas, who was born in France, attended culinary school during the early 1980s. He moved to the U.S. soon after graduating and has since directed kitchens across the country.
OPERA opened in early April. The bakery’s interior has a French theme, from wallpaper that features historic images of France, to blue and white signage that replicates the Paris Metro subway.
Information about EAT and OPERA are available at and
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