Letters to The Editor: January 30-February 5, 2025


The Editor:

Why does the Blaine Birch Bay Park and Recreation District 2 (BBBPRD2) want to take over the Blaine Senior Center? BBBPRD2 petitioned the city of Blaine to take control of the building, which the city of Blaine owns and gave seniors to maintain their health, welfare and companionship.

Seniors are capable of governing themselves; Blaine should be proud of us. Yes, we have made mistakes, but we are all volunteers, without the luxury our city has for oversight by paid employees. Yet we thrive and do amazing work for our membership and our city. Seniors add volunteers and activities to city events. Instead, the city of Blaine is threatening its seniors to take away our autonomy with BBBPRD2 pushing the city of Blaine to get control of the building and governance over seniors.

The senior citizens of Blaine and Birch Bay passed, with 70 percent of the vote, the last BBBPRD2 levy. That strong support may have been misplaced since now BBBPRD2 used this levy money we supply to take management of the building Blaine seniors have been administering for years. BBBPRD2 wants the equipment the Blaine seniors have bought and accumulated over many years. They have already pushed the seniors out of control of programming in the pavilion. It is the seniors who have the largest number of users in the pavilion. BBBPRD2 have never made improvements to the pavilion they told the city of Blaine they would.

This is not a partnership. The city of Blaine offers the building, the Blaine Senior Center brings all the equipment, furniture, volunteers and supplies. BBBPRD2 only offers to take over managing our assets. BBBPRD2 even asked the city of Blaine to give them all the pass-through money earmarked for senior’s administration. If they take our federal and county grants, what do we have left? What about Meals on Wheels? Many say seniors are better off with BBBPRD2 supervising them. Do you think seniors need to be taken care of by BBBPRD2? The city of Blaine may think so.

Diane Berg

Blaine Senior Center member



The Editor:

This is a letter to the American people.

The fires of California are, for me, a wake-up call. They should be for all of us. They are the lighthouse marking the shoals of our existence on this planet, the corners of the chart where “Here there be dragons” is written. They are the bonfires of our vanity.

I, like many others, have slumbered too long in the passive hope that governments will harken to the Jeremiahs of climate change. The prophets thus far have been ignored – and this to our peril.

The epiphany for me – and it should become the epiphany of every individual on this small globe – is that governments are but the “reflections of the people” they govern. I’m reminded of the story of a Boston mayor who, while leading a parade, was called to speak with a prominent newscaster. After letting part of the procession pass behind him, he broke off the interview saying, “Look, I’m sorry but there go my people. I am their leader. I must follow them.”

America has elected administrations that show little concern for climate change. This reflects the attitude of the American people, as nothing remarkable was demanded, little extraordinary was attempted, and nothing significant was accomplished.

The bonfires still burn. The skies remain pink, grey, or black with the carbon of our indifference.

Each of us needs to become our own version of Greta Thunberg. Each of us needs to shout out, not only to our leaders but to one another, “Sleeper, awake! Your agendas, party bickering, wars, budgets, and power struggles – they all are secondary to climate change!” For none of these concerns will matter when we descend into the “unredeemable chaos” that will ensue if we continue on this road of indifference, chosen for our immediate comfort.

If anyone doubts this, I suggest you ask the people of southern California.

Ken Ely



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