The Editor:
I wish to apologize for an oversight I made at the outdoor library concert last week [Ed. note: concert took place August 3]. Indeed, it was our first time participating in the Whatcom Grooves Series, but not our first ever outdoor concert. So sorry to have overlooked the times that Point Roberts Strings has performed for us indoors and out. You are a grand and talented ensemble, and the library is very grateful for your performances for its benefit.
Kris Lomedico
Whatcom County Library System
Branch Manager
Point Roberts
The Editor:
The time has come, the Walrus said, to raise a few questions and make some observations.
While I haven’t heard of accidents to fellow residents or their dogs on their walks or runs on the Point but I expect that close calls are not uncommon. Despite limited shoulders available for walking, off-pavement walking has been generally feasible as drivers are mostly careful and observant.
The county appears to treat the Point’s off-the-beaten-path roads as needing little maintenance. They don’t see the increasing numbers of black or gray vehicles as added danger to walkers when they drive down heavily shaded tarmac-colored two-lane roads forgetting that their vehicle’s near-matching road color makes them less visible unless they normally drive with headlights on (which many don’t).
Only limited lengths of roadway shoulder strips are maintained for walking here, despite the efforts of some volunteers try to keep bush and high grass cut for walkers. Somebody suggested that maybe the county could improve matters before dogs, or children or dedicated exercise enthusiasts suffer but who would pose such thoughts to this county’s leaders lest even more concerns go unheeded? We who live here need to find ways and means to improve walkways along our roads, just as we need to find ways to keep our community center open most daylight hours, just as we need to properly pave the entrance to our shopping center parking area which neither bank nor gas station nor shopping center will touch.
Some of us feel too old to take long walks but still take note of walkers, especially during these comfortable warm days that have graced Point Roberts so often this summer. Perhaps a more organized local program to keep roadsides free of high growth might be feasible and not require county interventions.
My hope is that the Point can muster more able-bodied types to, at least once a month, attack invading limbs, branches or under-growth in key remaining road shoulders currently inhibiting walkers, etc.
Also, that residents of the Point can minimize how often they drive over 30 miles an hour on our dark and much-walked roadways – if for no other reason than to avoid any chance of the county assigning more law enforcement boys-in-blue reaching into our wallets for more money for county abuse.
We can influence each other by exemplary driving when walkers, children, dogs, horses and riders, joggers, etc. are in evidence. Meanwhile, we can collect enough paving to nocturnally slowly fill in that unfinished trough at our market’s entryway/exit way, one thin layer at a time. All in favor say “aye.”
Campbell McClusky
Point Roberts
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