The benefits of denture stabilization with implants


A common misconception about dentures is “they feel fine, so they must be fine.” This could not be further from the truth as the changes in our oral structures occur so gradually they seem virtually unnoticeable. It is important that the dentures are adjusted and refit to compensate for these changes. If you do not maintain your dentures, you may experience your denture breaking or unnecessary damage to your oral tissue and supporting bone.

If you are looking for an alternative to a tissue-retained denture, and the possibility of reducing bone loss, consider the benefits of an implant-supported denture.

Implant-supported dentures are the standard of care, and should be considered as an option. While not everyone is a candidate for dental implants, seeing an oral surgeon or dentist for a consultation is the best place to start.

Implant-supported dentures provide tremendous support and fixation so you can comfortably speak, chew and smile. They also help to preserve existing natural bone, ideally having the implants placed as soon as feasible following tooth extraction. Once the implants are placed, they will stimulate your body to grow new bone tissue. The new bone grows around the implant through a process called osseoinegration, increasing the success of the implant procedure.

The maximum occlusal force of a traditional denture wearer ranges from 5 to 50 lbs. Patients with an implant-supported fixed prosthesis may increase their maximum bite force by 85 percent within two months after the completion of treatment. After three years, the mean force may reach more than 300 percent compared with pretreatment values. Chewing efficiency with an implant prosthesis is greatly improved compared with that of a soft tissue-borne


Courtesy of denturist Clayton Sulek, DD, FCAD with Bellingham Denture Clinic 


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