Whatcom County Council to hold hearing on BBWARM rate proposal


Whatcom County Council will hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase rates and change the funding structure in Birch Bay Watershed and Aquatic Resources Management (BBWARM) District at  the 6 p.m. regular county council meeting Tuesday, June 18.

BBWARM Advisory Committee hired financial consultant FCS Group, which proposed a new rate structure that will be phased in 2025-2028 and then adjusted annually for inflation.

Rates are currently based on the density of impervious surface area on a property, such as pavement, roofs, driveways or parking areas.

The average single-family home in Birch Bay has 4,000 square feet of impervious surface and pays $75 annually, according to the district. Annual rates for the same size property would increase to $107.55 in 2025, $136.59 in 2026, $163.90 in 2027 and $190.13 in 2028.

If passed, this would be the first time BBWARM has raised rates since it was formed in 2009. The district has said rate increases are required due to inflation and many stormwater improvement projects needed in Birch Bay due to climate change and aging infrastructure.

Read the proposal at bit.ly/3xgqXsV. The county council meeting can be attended remotely or in person at the council chambers in Bellingham. For more information on attending a meeting, visit bit.ly/4bZh3LA. 


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