The Editor:
After reading The Northern Light article regarding the missing child, Rajan Chand, I find a couple of things troubling in the reporting.
The article states that on December 29, Rajan’s mother reported Rajan missing to “a public entity.” Who is the public entity and why aren’t they named in the article?
The father states that he was keeping it on the “down low” and didn’t report his 15 year old child missing for 5-6 days, after already stating that Rajan was not the type to leave the house?
The father contacted Blaine Police Department to follow up in April, after filing the missing person’s report in early January? If that were my child, I would be contacting the police department every day, not to mention organizing searches, etc.
I don’t write these statements to point out the obvious holes in the story, but I do think that Blaine PD was unfairly targeted in the article. Perhaps there is a valid reason that they didn’t address some of The Northern Light’s questions or make other important details known, considering it is an open and active investigation.
Charles Eklof
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