Letters to the Editor: December 14-20


The Editor:

The Blaine Tai Chi Academy would like to announce that the Prince of Tai Chi, 32-time World Champion, Sitan Chen, will be in Blaine on Thursday and Friday, December 28 and 29. On Friday evening, there will be a performance at the Blaine Senior Center starting at 5 p.m. This is open to the public. Afterwards there will be a potluck dinner. The performance is free; however, should anyone wish to stay for the potluck, they’re are asked to contribute food.

Wally Greenough

The Blaine Tai Chi Academy


The Editor: 

TouchStone Health Clinic, 288 Martin Street, was able to host Whatcom Alliance for Health Advancement (WAHA) and helped 10 people to get insurance through Washington Healthplanfinder. On behalf of these people, thank you. We are excited to see what else we can accomplish together. Please keep your ideas coming.

Jesse and Erika Creydt


(Editor’s note: Open enrollment ends on Friday, December 15 for coverage starting January 1. For plans starting February 1, Washington Healthplanfinder is accepting applications until Monday, January 15; after which, people will have to wait until next year’s open enrollment.)

The Editor:

The last year has been difficult in many ways. Giant steps have been taken by our country... backwards. Those who have felt disenfranchised appear to be the most gullible. Coal miners refuse to be retrained because they have been told that coal will rise again. Can they not see that in this country coal is going the way of the dodo bird? As it becomes less of an energy source, hopefully it will take with it the poisons that make breathing difficult to impossible for those who have known from a very young age that most of their waking hours will be spent underground.

Now we see a new tax bill proposed that will end healthcare for all. What they couldn’t do in 50 votes, our “leaders” are sneaking into a tax bill just like the cuckoo bird lays her eggs in another’s nest. Audubon states the cuckoo bird’s “life strategy is built on tricking other birds,” calling them parasites. Parasites ... sound familiar?

Isn’t that what those self-righteous, often indignant leaders call those who rally for national health care? I guess if one can quickly point the finger back, he is absolved of his own crimes. We see the president do this all the time. In fact, he has perfected the strategy. Hooray for the president? There are those of us who wake up every morning to the slap in the face that our beloved country is being run, in some quasi fashion, by a person for whom we can muster no respect.

Some might say to me, “get over it, you lost.” But I didn’t lose. We lost, all of us. We have lost our dignity, our respect – completely lost our way. We haven’t made America great again, we have diminished it. We’ve become the fools being led by someone who isn’t even capable of putting a cohesive sentence together. Someone who attempts to make himself appear bigger by lessening the value of others through name calling.

Will voters be wiser in their decision making in the future? One can only hope.

Linda Huberman



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