The Editor:
Thank you to The Northern Light for publishing in last week’s issue an article about the Port of Bellingham’s request for public comment regarding its updated Blaine Harbor marina park and public access plan. The comment period ends early next week, and allows the public to comment as to what people feel needs to be incorporated into the updated plan.
Access to the water has always been a priority according to opinion polls. The reopening of the damaged Marine Drive (damage caused during repair work being done on the Jim Jorgenson Pier by the Port of Bellingham) should be a priority.
Prior to its untimely closure the end of the dock was open to vehicles, being a very popular destination for decades and for at least the past nearly 50 years I have lived here. In my opinion there are numerous reasons why vehicles should be allowed to again access the pier.
It rains here 150 days of the year, not counting the cold or windy days, so being able to access this special place in one’s own car offers the comfort and protection from the elements in almost any weather.
Further, the Blaine community has an aging population, many citizens are disabled or infirmed. Vehicle access is the only practical means to safely get there.
Before its closure, entire families would drive their cars to the pier, taking with them all the supplies needed for a day’s activities. Pedestrian access only means less users as most won’t hand carry their grip in.
If you desire to possibly see this unique amenity more fully utilized again with vehicle access, please let your comments be known to the port by emailing your comments on the park plan to all three port commissioners, including the port’s executive director.
Richard Sturgill
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