Letters to The Editor: May 16-22, 2024


The Editor:

I am writing again to commend you for your excellent coverage, this time the finessed departure of Jon Hutchings, the former Whatcom County public works director. All I know about this matter is what I read in the Cascade PBS article, which you published, but it is enough to suggest that there needs to be a major staff overhaul in the Whatcom County administrative office.

Hutchings sounds like an obnoxious slow learner who should have more than his hands slapped long ago. However, as dumb (and weird) as he seems from the Cascade PBS report, the cover up by the county office and the public funds that they spent on this matter in a surreptitious manner represent more sinister behavior. I think that they should resign, but I doubt they will. When the next election comes along, I’ll try to give them a hand.

Lloyd Kiff



The Editor:

I am writing in response to a letter to the editor purporting to demonize Israel. To quote a differing description in a November 18 CBC article, “The fighting erupted when Hamas launched a series of attacks in southern Israel on October 7. The Israeli government now says some 1,200 people died in the sudden violence and 240 people were taken hostage.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CBS News in November, “Any civilian death is a tragedy and we shouldn’t have any,” blaming Hamas for putting people at risk.

I am reading a book right now called “Nomad.” It is written by a Somali Muslim woman, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, now living in the U.S. She describes what she was taught in Quran school. The chief enemy is the Jew.

“In those days, with every splash of water I cursed the Jews. I covered my body, spread a prayer mat, faced Mecca, and asked Allah to protect me from the evil that is spread by the Jews. I hurried to our local mosque and joined the crowds in prayer. We lined up – in the women-only section – and followed the instructions of the male imam, who was invisible to us. We cried in unison ‘Amin’ to all his supplications to Allah, and when he called Allah to destroy all Jews, I also fervently said ‘Amin.’”

She has since renounced Islam. She has body guards because she has received death threats from Muslims. And yet, here on U.S. campuses this poison is spread by naïve American citizens. Hamas presents itself as a victim when it attacked and killed, raped and tortured peaceful Israeli citizens. I am glad to see the demonstrations on U.S. campuses ended. Xenophobia is never OK, but somehow students feel free to demonize peaceful citizens. I don’t get it.

Sue Weaver

Birch Bay


The Editor:

It’s fawn season for black-tailed deer. Colliding with a deer or fawn is devastating for everyone: the driver and passengers, the deer or fawn, and bystanders traumatized by the suffering and wishing to help. Deer are particularly common along Semiahmoo Parkway, Semiahmoo Drive, and Drayton Harbor Road.

Deer are crepuscular (active at sunrise and sunset); their eyes are adapted to take in as much light as possible. When headlights strike their fully dilated eyes, deer can’t see, and freeze until their eyes adjust. They won’t move until they can see. During the day, fawns may be active and their mothers follow them as they scamper towards roads; focused on their fawns, they don’t notice traffic.

Preventing deer-vehicle collisions:

• Drive with lights on during dawn and dusk.

• Drive with high beams at night unless there are oncoming vehicles.

• Scan both sides of the road as you drive.

• Drive slowly at dawn and dusk so you can stop quickly.

• Slow down or stop (if safe) the moment you see deer near the road. Usually more deer are present if you see one. Activate your emergency flashers to alert other drivers. Don’t proceed until you’re certain no more deer are waiting to cross.

• Honk your horn when you see a deer. The noise may make them leave the road.

• If a deer/vehicle collision is inevitable, brake and continue braking until just before impact. Try not to swerve. At the last moment, remove your foot from the brake. This makes the front end of the car rise upon impact, meaning the deer is more likely to pass under the car rather than landing on the front and hitting the windshield and thus your face.

If you do have an accident with a deer on the road, move your car safely off the road, turn on your emergency flashers, safely check your passengers, and call 911 immediately. Do not go near the deer or attempt to move it. Injured animals can be dangerous.

Jennifer Plombon



The Editor:

To the gentleman who was friends with Bruce and Marina Mosher and loved to sit and rock in their black antique Boston rocker, please contact 360/603-8802.

Carol Mosher



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